Friday, July 20, 2007


"The world is a monster that swallows you whole." [REM] Not that this is a bad thing. Take the Wednesday night we had at the BBC (British Bankers' Club), for instance. Wait a minute, I'm sorry, I was drunk again and thought I could make sense of Michael Stipe's lyrics there for a second. I could that night anyway. I concluded that the world was a friendly monster somehow... but I can't get there from here anymore.

VeGa and I danced. We sang. We ate. We drank. We did lots of things. It was an excellent time. Extraordinary, in fact. Extravagantly exciting and exhausting at the same time. But... I felt I had graduated to a higher level of partydom, for I was still up past 4:20 a.m. and VeGa (normally Ms. Endurance) had passed out after last call, which for some stupid reason occurs by 2:00 a.m. in California. Think I may petition our Governator to rethink that measure.

[ <--- VeGa and the "Professor"]

Feeling cheated, I did what any man of leisure would do - I returned to the BBC on Thursday night... only to find that the stylishly hot crowd had been replaced with a karaOKe hodge-podge of weirdo's and overall misfits. Not that this is a bad thing. I mean it's not every night you get to sing woo-hoo's with Bono intensity. Not to keep harshing on REM, but Everybody Hurts really brings the crowd down. If you're going to sing karaoke, sing a happy, upbeat song please. Kudos to NiFe for his rendition of Jim Morrison. Oh, and to VeGa's friend Ca for not passing out and keeping up with the man on Wednesday.

Is it the weekend already? It's about time...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


MoFo and I had a delicious brunch at Mama's in North Beach. Their Bloody Mary's aren't as tasty as Perry's, however. Or the Cliff House for that matter. Or the Balboa Cafe. All those places have okay food but great Bloodies. With Mama's it's the opposite. Fantastic food. Bad Bloodies.

And bloodiest of the wants-to-drink-Trent-Reznor's-blood VeGa is back from New Jersey! I'm really sorry I missed out on that trip back to my old home state (you can take the boy out of the state but not the sarcasm out of the Jersey boy).

I discovered a new use for a Swisher! And that's the last thing I remember until I woke up this morning, er, afternoon. I have faint images of Big Foot again for some reason. And there's a new number in my phone. Along with just one new photo. Here it is:

I know you must think it's fun to be a man of leisure, but I really can't remember anything anymore and it's starting to scare me...

Just kidding. Being IMOL is the greatest thing in the world. If ever I've done anything right, it's this - so stop working and start living again, people!

Monday, July 09, 2007

self-portrait #1

Three of my favorite things in the whole world are: steak, sushi, and great martinis (of course). Anzu has all three! Kudos again to MoFo for discovering it. Their martinis are all made with sake, however... but, hey, that's okay in my book as long as it goes down smoothly and hits your head before morning. The food was fantastic, too. Hard to beat a slab of beef with a side of fresh sashimi. And potato latkes with creme fraiche to boot!

The restaurant is part of the Hotel Nikko which, as you can probably tell above, is super chic-chic. If anyone comes to visit SF and happens to stay at this hotel, please let me know. I'm dying to know what the rooms look like.

That's not a come-on.