Sunday, December 24, 2006


It snowed in San Francisco during the holidays. The Union Square Christmas Tree (above) was blessed with the first snowflakes in God(s) know how long. [I say God(s) as such because who really knows and as a trained lawyer I've learned the benefit of the C.Y.A. doctrine.] But I was talking about Christmas, the time we celebrate the birthday of Jesus though Jesus was not born in December... have you ever seen a shepherd in the winter? Everyone knows or should know that the late December celebration was picked merely to replace the big pagan festival that used to occur at this time of the year. Typical. Bonus for the commercial capitalists to have one last chance to boom the economy before years' end.
I don't mean to sound like a Grinch, but I find it kind of comical that I spent my Christmas Eve with Max the Dog. I wanted to put my Cosby antlers (with bells!) on the poor creature, just like the Grinch did for his Max, but Max's mom absolutely forbade it. I don't blame her, I guess...
When I start my religion, I won't replace Christmas... I'll just add more days of holiday and reintroduce some of the ol' pagan practices because they had it right, albeit in a twisted and kinky celebration kinda way, but hey - there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, it sounds like what I have planned for New Years...


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