Tuesday, September 05, 2006


The official first day of my new life was yesterday - Labor Day. While everyone else was sleeping in, I was continuing the celebration from the three consecutive nights before, which began with my last posting and now ends as I sit down in front of the computer again.

Above is a picture of MoFo and AnBy with me. I don't remember where we were when this picture was taken, but I do remember that MoFo played primary photographer for the weekend, and AnBy played host for the IMOL launch party.

Important Faces. CaGa [above left]. CaGa has not made a previous appearance on this blog, which surprises me because she and I do spend a lot of time together. She and her friend Ba [center right] have invited me to join them for the Massive Attack concert in a few weeks. The other gentleman in the photo, De, is good friends with MoFo. He became a father recently and seemed very happy to be out and about for the first time in a long while. We are all very drunk. Especially CaGa. Just kidding. I'm just saying that because I like to tease her every now and then... which I suppose means all the time if it's every now and then.

TIP OF THE WEEK - Do Not Mix Frenet with Champagne and Tequila.

JuGu [right] - I sincerely hope JuGu becomes a steady character in IMOL's adventures. She, for some unknown reason, is kryptonite to my social skills. I am normally, I think, a rather eloquent speaker, but around her I am mumble jumble crumble. She is not intimidating - in fact, she's funny and very sweet. I'm just a spaz around her, and I can't figure out why. But I am determined to conquer this condition and spend more time with her as the real me... as opposed to the bumbling idiot who likes to strike up stupid conversations with her.

Other Realizations: I have a thing for vampires. Call me morbid. Call me pale. Possessed by some Draculan spirit, I had several uncontrollable impulses to chomp on some necks over the weekend, and so I did. Fortunately, most of the necks that I bit belonged to friends of mine so no charges are being brought against me. I share two of those moments with you now, but I think there were more. Hard to say as everything gets a little foggy after Sunday early morning, and I don't just mean the weather - ha ha (San Francisco summer humor - I apologize).

Mark Twain once said that the coldest winter he'd ever known was a summer he spent in San Francisco. I spend most of my time inside so it's hard to say if he's still right, but I did throw on a sweater at some point over the weekend - summertime San Fran ain't like the rest of California at least...

KiLo played driver for me and brought me back to the sunny Peninsula (what we locals call the area just south of San Francisco). KiLo is an old, dear friend but camera shy. She will certainly make future appearances here but I question if I'll ever get her photo.

VeGa, who lives down the street from me, had a little barbecue - we cooked up some tri-tip and filet mignon wrapped in bacon. A bottle of Patron Silver disappeared gradually over the course of the next several hours. And for some reason, everyone was wearing sunglasses inside. Mmmmm. VeGa's friends are very cool and a return trip to Vegas with them may be in the works. A road trip. Ouch. With this crew, it could mean something very dangerous. That's why I'm so psyched for it...


Blogger sadielady said...

You know I love vampires too. Bite my neck, darling...

8:45 PM  
Blogger X said...

I had a dream about vampires... and a dream about you. We were in New Orleans and then we were in San Francisco, but then we were at the Columns again. Drinking Bloody Mary's (of course). You were chomping on a spicy bean seductively. Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas showed up with a bottle of red wine and wanted to dance with you. But you said that you already had dinner plans "with someone much hotter"... and then you proceeded to suck my neck dry.

thank you

9:24 PM  
Blogger sassynklassy said...

Damn, get a room, you two...
But blog about afterwards, will ya please???

12:37 PM  

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